# Install GIT on CentOS 7

Use yum, CentOS’s native package manager, to search for and install the latest git package available in CentOS’s repositories:

# Install Using Yum

sudo yum install git

If the command completes without error, you will have git downloaded and installed. To double-check that it is working correctly, try running Git’s built-in version check:

git --version

Now I'm creating a config.etc repo on my GitHub Account.

# Setup SSH Key for Github

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "charlcp@gmail.com"

cd ~
cd .ssh
cat id_rsa.pub
  • Select and copy the key contents
  • Go to github.com
  • Click on settings
  • Click SSH and PGP Keys
  • Click on new key
  • Paste key and give it a name
  • Click save


# Upgrading GIT

# Remove old git

sudo yum -y remove git
sudo yum -y remove git-*

# Add End Point CentOS 7 repo

The quickest way of installing the latest version of Git on CentOS 7 is from the End Point repository.

sudo yum -y install https://packages.endpoint.com/rhel/7/os/x86_64/endpoint-repo-1.9-1.x86_64.rpm

Once repository is added, install Git 2.x on CentOS 7

sudo yum install git

Check git version after installing git2u-all package

git --version
# git version 2.34.1 - At the time of writing this doc 2022-01-16