# Acmephp

title: ACME PHP label: ACME PHP Install order: 100 authors:

Acme PHP is available as a single PHAR file to download on Github. For security purposes, this PHAR file is signed using OpenSSL to ensure you are using a valid Acme PHP binary.

# Install ACME PHP

Check the latest stabel release from: https://github.com/acmephp/acmephp/releases

Run following commands:

cd ~
php -r "copy('https://github.com/acmephp/acmephp/releases/download/2.0.0/acmephp.phar', 'acmephp.phar');"
php -r "copy('https://github.com/acmephp/acmephp/releases/download/2.0.0/acmephp.phar.pubkey', 'acmephp.phar.pubkey');"

Get the AcmePHP Version

php acmephp.phar --version

If the last command display the Acme PHP version, you are ready to use Acme PHP.

  • Use the latest development version
  • While we strongly recommand you to use a stable (or at least pre-release) version, you can also use the latest development build if you need the latest features.

You can install it by running the following commands:

cd ~
php -r "copy('https://acmephp.github.io/downloads/acmephp.phar', 'acmephp.phar');"
php -r "copy('https://acmephp.github.io/downloads/acmephp.phar.pubkey', 'acmephp.phar.pubkey');"

Get the AcmePHP Version

php acmephp.phar --version