# Code-Server via Docker Compose

# Docker Compose

  • Open Portainer
  • Click on Stacks
  • Click on Add Stack
  • Give it a name in the first field
  • Create a folder on your server for the config storage,you will need the full path at Volumes
  • Paste the following in the Docker Compose field
version: "2.1"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/code-server
    container_name: code-server
      # To get your details just run `id` in terminal
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Africa/Johannesburg
      - PASSWORD=changeme            # Password to be entered when you open the url
      - SUDO_PASSWORD=changeme       # So that VS Can edit you filesystem
      - PROXY_DOMAIN=code.webally.co.za 
      - DEFAULT_WORKSPACE=/var/www    # Where on your filesystem shout it be be when you open it
      - /var/www/tools/vscode/config:/config
      - 4444:8443
    restart: unless-stopped
  • Scroll a bit down and click on Add an environment variable
  • Add the following 3 environment variables
# To get uou PUID and PGID, SSH into you server and type 'id'
PUID : 1000
PGID : 1000
TZ   | Africa/Johannesburg

Click on deploy Stack

# Application Setup

The application can be accessed at:
