# Retype Install

Retype is an ultra-high-performance generator that builds a website based on simple text files. Focus on your writing while Retype builds the rest.

# Install via NPM

npm install retypeapp --global
retype watch

# Basic Usage

I recommend the following:

  • When you have a bunch of markdown files in a folder you want to create a wiki from, then create two folders in side the current root folder of the markdown folders
# Lets say the files are in /var/www/docs
mkdir /var/www/temp
mv /var/www/docs/* /var/www/temp/
mkdir /var/www/docs/src
mkdir /var/www/docs/public
mv var/www/temp/* /var/www/docs/src/
cd /var/www/docs
retype init

Now all the files are in /var/www/docs/src and you will have retype.yml file in /var/www/docs

Open retype.yml

#Your file content should be updated to look something like
input: src                    # Where Retype will look for the files to generate site from
output: public                # The destination where it must create the website
url: http://docs.webally.co.za   # Optional, this is where the site will be hosted
  title: Dev Serv Docs
  label: Docs
links:                        # Here you can add as many links as you want, repeating the -text, link
- text: Getting Started
  link: http://docs.webally.co.za/gettingStarted/
  copyright: "webAlly © Copyright . All rights reserved."