Install Tomcat Server
Tomcat is an application server for JAVA applications. Run the following command to create tomcat user and group.
groupadd tomcat
The above command will create a group named tomcat.
useradd -M -s /bin/nologin -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat
The above command will create a user tomcat
having no login shell and home directory as /opt/tomcat
Now download the Tomcat archive from Tomcat download page using the following command.
cd ~
wget http://www-us.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.32/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.32.tar.gz
Now we will install the tomcat server in /opt/tomcat
directory. Create a new directory and extract the archive using the following command
mkdir /opt/tomcat
tar xvf apache-tomcat-8*tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1
Now provide the ownership of the files to tomcat user and group using the following command.
chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat