title: Set Up Local Hosts File label: Server & Software Setup order: 100 authors:
- name: Charl Cronje email: charl@webally.co.za link: https://blog.webally.co.za avatar: https://assets.webally.co.za/avatars/darker.jpg edit: repo: "https://github.com/charlpcronje/setup.docs.devserv.me/edit/" base: /src branch: main label: Edit on GitHub editor: enabled: false favicon: favicon.png links:
- text: Projects Portfolio link: https://webally.co.za/projects
- text: Wiki, Tips and Docs link: https://docs.webally.co.zao.za
- text: Resume link: https://cv.webally.co.za
- text: LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlpcronje
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- text: Upwork Profile link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01ccb1439024ec9c50 footer: copyright: "webAlly © Copyright . All rights reserved."---
If your DNS is not point on the same server then you can simply check the functionality of the website by enter the IP and Domain in the /etc/hosts
Note - You have to enter these details in the host OS (Windows Hosts File)
code C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Server-Ip-Address securezone.co.za
Server-Ip-Address graph.securezone.co.za
Server-Ip-Address api.securezone.co.za
Server-Ip-Address old.securezone.co.za